Lysistrata [2015-2016]
Lysistrata is a contemporary adaptation of Aristophanes’ Old Comedy presented at Bunbury Regional Entertainment Centre’s Cube Theatre (July 2015). I directed and choreographed the live performance and worked closely with emerging artists and community to develop an original script, stage design and music.
Lysistrata, The Cube, BREC, 2015. L-R: Caris Hilder, Sarah Neale and Nina Smith. Photograph by Jackie Watt.
Lysistrata, The Cube, BREC, 2015. L-R: Luke Myors, Mike Groom, Dennis Garvey, Ayden Garrett, Sholto Spradbury. Photograph by Jackie Watt.
Lysistrata, The Cube, BREC, 2015. L-R: Caris Hilder and Nina Smith. Photograph by Jackie Watt.
Lysistrata, The Cube, BREC, 2015. L-R: Dennis Garvey, Sarah Neale, Mike Groom and Caris Hilder. Photograph by Jackie Watt.
This project was supported by:
- Bunbury Regional Entertainment Centre
- Bunbury Regional Entertainment Centre’s Community Access Grant
- Ausdance WA’s Regional Contemporary Dance Program
- Edith Cowan University
- Amy Mckie (5 Aug 2015). Lysistrata leads the laughs in the South West, Busselton-Dunsborough Mail.
- Aaron Corlett (24 July 2015). On Stage: Lust, loss played out in flesh, South Western Times.
- Amy Mckie (16 Jun 2015). Busselton set designers bring ancient Greece to Bunbury, Busselton-Dunsborough Mail.
- South Western Times (27 February 2015). Search on for raunchy players.
- Lysistrata bursts into Bunbury, Underscorealchemy: notes on a practice for creative artists [Community blog on the making of Lysistrata].
- Rachelle Rechichi, Sounds of Lysistrata [Honours Thesis Directed Study process blog, supervised by Vahri McKenzie]
- Rachelle Rechichi, Snippet of Bloon [extract from original score for Lysistrata].
Published research:
- McKenzie, Vahri. (2016). Entering the regional scene with a contemporary Lysistrata. In Rebecca Scollen and Michael Smalley (eds.) Resilience: revive, restore, reconnect: Australasian Association for Theatre, Drama and Performance Studies (ADSA) 2016 Conference Proceedings, Volume 1 (pp. 57-69). University of Southern Queensland, Artsworx, Toowoomba, Australia.