Scholarly Writing

McKenzie, V.; Thompson, N.; Moore, D.; & Ben-Ary, G. cellF: Surrogate musicianship as a manifestation of in-vitro intelligence. In E. Reck Miranda (ed.), Handbook of Artificial Intelligence for Music, Springer. (Forthcoming; contact me for more information.)

McKenzie, V. & Boxall, K. ‘Come all savage creatures’: Becoming Bakkhai in the south west of Western Australia. In A. Harris & S. Holman Jones (eds.), Affective Movements, Methods and Pedagogies, Routledge. (Forthcoming; contact me for more information.)

McKenzie, Vahri (2019). The Other Writing Group: an embodied workshop, TEXT Special Issue 57: Peripheral Visions.


McKenzie, Vahri and Ferguson, Neil K. (2018). Only the Envelope: artistic interpretations of eye-tracking imagery. Journal for Artistic Research 15.

Boxall, K.; McKenzie, V.; Henderson, Aishath, S.; & Mazza D. (2018): Reimagining social work case studies: a social work—creative writing collaboration, Social Work Education, DOI: 10.1080/02615479.2018.1458831

McKenzie, V. (2017). Dancing With a Bullet: Moving into Memory with Music. In P. Hansen and B. Bläsing (eds.), Performing the Remembered Present: the Cognition of Memory in Dance, Theatre, and Music (pp. 197-223). London, England: Bloomsbury Methuen Drama.

McKenzie, V. (2017). Only the Envelope: Opening up participation, surveillance and consent in performance. Performance Matters 3 (2), 57-71.

McKenzie, V. (2017), Placing knowledge in the body: Western Australian choreographers dancing With a Bullet. Brolga: an Australian journal about dance 41, Braddon, ACT.

McKenzie, Vahri (2017). Only the Envelope: An Artistic Exercise in Data Retention, PARtake: The Journal of Performance as Research 1(2), Article 5.

McKenzie, V. (2016). Entering the regional scene with a contemporary Lysistrata. In Rebecca Scollen and Michael Smalley (eds.) Resilience: revive, restore, reconnect: Australasian Association for Theatre, Drama and Performance Studies (ADSA) 2016 Conference Proceedings, Volume 1 (pp. 57-69). University of Southern Queensland, Artsworx, Toowoomba, Australia.

McKenzie, V. (2014). Underscore Alchemy: Extending the Underscore for creative artists. Journal of Dance and Somatic Practices 6(2), 159-173.

McKenzie, V. (2014). Extending Underscore Alchemy. Brolga: An Australian journal about dance 39, December 2014, 35-42.

McKenzie, V. (2012). Using the spectrum to theorise apparent oppositions in creative writing doctorates. In D. Hecq (Ed.), The Creativity Market: Creative writing in the 21st century (pp. 148-162).  Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.

McKenzie, V. (2008). As the owl discreet: Essay towards a conversation and Carly’s Dance a novel [unpublished PhD thesis].

McKenzie, V. (2008). The unfulfilled promise of digital technologies for collaborative writing. The Creativity and Uncertainty Papers: The refereed proceedings of the 13th conference of the Australian Association of Writing Programs.

McKenzie, V. (2007). Liminal space: Postgraduate creative writing in Australian universities. Limina Journal of Historical and Cultural Studies, Special Edition.