Narrowcast [2019]

Narrowcast [2019]

Narrowcast is a durational performance artwork presented in Bunbury Regional Art Galleries in which the artists install a radio studio in BRAG’s Convent Gallery and ‘narrowcast’ during opening hours for one week. In this improvised speech-as-sound artwork, content creation is secondary to an exploration of 

Bakkhai [2017 – 2019]

Bakkhai [2017 – 2019]

Euripides’ 2500-year-old tragedy tells the legend of the Bakkhai, a group of wild and strange women accompanying Dionysos, the god of wine, as he returns to his birthplace, bearing a grudge and heralding change. Pentheos, ruler of Thebes, is determined to resist Dionysos, but isn’t 

Artists at the Helm [2015]

Artists at the Helm [2015]

With graphic artist Simone Pilla, I created a digital print that responds to the implications of interdependence in the word ‘nurture’ through a visual motif and narrative fragment. This project responded to the imminent logging of Helms Forest Block near Jalbarragup, in Western Australia’s south 

Sleep Disorders [2010-2012]

Sleep Disorders [2010-2012]

Sleep Disorders is a body of work that investigates the pathologisation of sleep through performance research. Image credit: Vahri McKenzie and Hellen Russo, Fool Asleep, in Fringe World Festival 2012. Perth, Australia: The Treasury, 2012. Photograph by Lisa Carrie Goldberg. Fool Asleep is a one-act 

Telephone [2014]

Telephone [2014]

Telephone is a video installation made for an exhibition of interdisciplinary collaborations shown at Spectrum Project Space. It features four artists presenting personal dating advertisements where relationships between the characters emerge and dissolve. Themes include longing to connect and the possibilities of relationship in the