RIPAIRIAN [2023 – ]

RIPAIRIAN [2023 – ]

Vahri McKenzie and Gemma Ben-Ary, 2024, Iso Dawn. Photograph by Christophe Canato. During a 9-week residency at Midland Junction Arts Centre, Vahri McKenzie and Gemma Ben-Ary developed a series of new performance art experiments and fibre-woven artworks in conversation with a site near Mandoon Bilya/Helena 

Colour me, Beautiful [2021]

Colour me, Beautiful [2021]

Colour Me, Beautiful time-lapse documentation video of live performance artwork. With thanks to the hundreds of visitors who added their colour story, and to delegate artists Annette Carmichael, Bec Bradley, Rebecca Corps, Gemma Ben-Ary, Josef Quinn, Nathan Gardiner, Sheree Dohnt, Rizzy, and videographer Katherine Ingarfield. 

Narrowcast [2019]

Narrowcast [2019]

Narrowcast is a durational performance artwork presented in Bunbury Regional Art Galleries in which the artists install a radio studio in BRAG’s Convent Gallery and ‘narrowcast’ during opening hours for one week. In this improvised speech-as-sound artwork, content creation is secondary to an exploration of 

Bakkhai [2017 – 2019]

Bakkhai [2017 – 2019]

Euripides’ 2500-year-old tragedy tells the legend of the Bakkhai, a group of wild and strange women accompanying Dionysos, the god of wine, as he returns to his birthplace, bearing a grudge and heralding change. Pentheos, ruler of Thebes, is determined to resist Dionysos, but isn’t 

The Other Writing Group [2015 – 2017]

The Other Writing Group [2015 – 2017]

The Other Writing Group offered a workshop model for writers to explore the embodied dimensions of writing in a community of peers to enhance individual creative writing practices. This research shows that relaxation and repetition are important strategies in a productive writing practice. The workshop model